Fall Gardening in Climate Change Conditions
For gardeners fall gardening has become one moment when climate change becomes local and personal. The chilly fall air is…
3 Organic Gardening Projects – Happy Fall
When the morning air is cool, it’s time to get into the happy fall garden experience. Here are the three…
5 Top Dark Folliage Plants For Gorgeous Gardens
It might just be the next cool thing in landscaping much like black is the rage in windows. Check out…
Navigate Home Sustainability – Does it Matter?
Does it matter if weather patterns show never before seen floods, hotter wildfires, and higher temperatures? The answer is, of…
Nurturing The Body With Store Bought Veggies?
A recent study presented in the National Geographic magazine finds that fruits and vegetables are no longer as nurturing as…
Harmony Reigns In Your Home When…
…You are in sync with your being, your home, and your environment. This is the moment when things are both…
It’s Personal – Do You Value Your World?
Value World – this term describes a fundamental concept – the foundation for valuing our planet. Everyone who desires personal…
Gift Guide 2021 – Nurturing Body And Planet
The Holiday Season is upon us. What should we give our friends and loved ones? Here are (10) of my…
What Inspires You For Your Next DIY Project?
Watching the creatives on SHGLiving. For sure, these makers know their subjects. They convey their installations with lots of spirit…
Life is Beautiful 2021
Can you say life is beautiful in 2021? If not, try an act of service. Give something to someone. Give…
Smart Healthy Green Living > Inspirations