
Want to Truly Eat Fresh Cut Herbs And Vegetables?

In Gardening, Living on

Fresh cut herbs and vegetables are just the best.  We head out to the supermarket to buy so-called fresh-cut herbs and veggies.  The reality is that the so-called fresh-cut herbs and vegetables have been already traveling from a farm somewhere along a supply chain of various distribution centers – for days. In other words, by the time we buy fresh-cut herbs and vegetables, they are really not fresh cut at all. We buy them and keep them stored in our fridges a bit longer.  By the time we actually cut, cook, and consume them these so-called fresh-cut herbs and vegetables are anything but fresh cut. If you want to really eat fresh-cut herbs and veggies read on.

Ashley Renne Nsonwu, the super-cool host of Ashley Renne on SHG Living has a perfect, easy-to-create solution.  Why not buy scallions, for example once, and re-grow them thereafter?

In this way, you can cut truly enjoy fresh-cut vegetables every time when you actually need or want them. Make this healthy choice. With Ashley’s re-growing technique you don’t even have to have a garden.  A simple water glass, water, a growing pot, and a growing medium are all you need. This is just one eco-challenge Ashley Renne presents to her audience.

Watch How To Re-Grow Your Scallions on Ashley Renne on Smart Healthy Green Living.

Ashley takes us through a super simple process of re-growing large scallions right on your window sill or on your open wood floating shelves.  It couldn’t be easier. So, really there are no reasons not to do it.  Why not re-use food scraps and let the sun do the rest?



Here are the four simple steps Ashley presents:

  1. When you cut the scallions, don’t throw out the roots.  Instead, put them in a glass. Fill the glass with water and put the cut scallion ends into the water.
  2. Put the glass into a sunny location. This can be a bright, unfilled window sill or a porch, basically any place that is flooded with sunlight.
  3. Change the water of the glass every 2-3 days.
  4. When you see a lot of new roots appear in the glass, transplant the stems into a container filled with growing medium.  Water it a little bit every day so that the scallions will settle into their new environment.

Now you are ready to cut away whenever you are ready to serve yourself, your friends, and your family truly fresh-cut vegetables. It’s so tasty and so worth it. Give it a try.

Ashley Renne’s re-growing technique applies to many foods. It’s a sustainable skill that is easy to tackle and should be in everyone’s healthy kitchen. Ashley’s sustainability expertise and lifestyle extend way beyond the kitchen.  She is one of the smart home experts on SHG Living (check out So Many Home Automation Ideas for even more smart home ideas).

Check out her smart house installations which make her house way more energy efficient and give Ashley the flexibility to run her smart house from her phone while she is off eco traveling.  Ashley truly lives today’s smart, healthy, and green lifestyle. Check out her many practical, informative, and inspirational videos on Smart Healthy Green Living, the new home improvement streaming service. Start your green lifestyle today.