It’s hot – it’s summer. Do you know what kind of pool you are diving into? What exactly is in the water? Do you dream of a refreshing dip into your backyard pool? Let’s take a fresh look at a pool fit for a smart, healthy, and green lifestyle. What’s the difference between an endless pool and a saltwater pool? Or, do they go together? There are a few things to get right for a great pool in your backyard.
Creating Your Pool
What is the purpose of your pool? Is it to relax with fun and relaxing splashes? Or are swimming laps or doing another exercise in the water your thing? Start by asking these questions:
(1) Is your backyard large enough to accommodate an in-ground pool?
(2) Can it have a minimum size of 20×40 feet? Larger ones (30-50 ft) might be nice.
(3) How long do you want your pool season to be?
Saltwater Pool -Health And Fitness
The CDC reports improved cardio-vascular conditions from twice-weekly workouts in the water. The CDC also reports that
“water-based exercise can help people with chronic diseases….( and various forms of )…arthritis”
In other words, while the pool is often held to be a nice-to-have, it could be an essential part of your health regimen. Here is the other, rarely talked about detail in pool design: a saltwater pool. Regardless of the shape, style, or size, water quality matters! While Chlorine may be necessary for the water distribution from central reservoirs to individual households, it is anything but healthy.
Oftentimes, even outdoor pools smell of chlorine because owners fear bacteria build up in their pools and they dump copious amounts of chlorine into the pool. Fear not – install a saltwater filtration system as part of your healthy pool. This reduces chlorine to fractional amounts.
A saltwater system is an easy and well-understood installation. For any last bit of hesitation, know that the savings of chlorine pay for the saltwater system in one season! It is simply a proven, healthy, and cost-effective way of running a pool.
Endless Pool – A Great Option For Exercise
If you do not have enough room for a full-size pool, and you very much would like to exercise in your own pool with healthy saltwater, there is one more option. It’s called an endless pool which can be as small as a large hot tub. It creates resistance flows against which you swim. It’s a great workout and training.
Similar to a stationary bike for a great workout, think of an endless pool as the water version of a stationary workout. Dial in the workout intensity from easy to challenging. It’s a great way to stay fit.
Extending Your Pool Season
Naturally, depending on where you live dictates the length of your pool season. That said, here are some considerations to extend your pool season into colder temperatures. This applies to endless pools as well as saltwater pools.
If you opt for a heated pool, a pool cover is a must-have to contain the heat and save yourself a bunch of money. Open heated pools are super expensive to run. Most people will turn off the heater quickly when the heating bills arrive. It is also anything but environmentally friendly.
Automated pool covers are the way to go so that you can open and shut your pool with the push of a button. However, the tracks in today’s automated covers require rectangular pools. Organically shaped pools are not candidates for pool covers.
Pool Integration Into Your Backyard
While a pool is always a focal point in a landscape most people opt to install privacy fencing, terraces, barbecue areas, and more around a pool. Fully equipped outdoor kitchens are a hit with most homeowners. SHG Living’s creatives from around the globe offer a variety of fencing and outdoor kitchen ideas.
SHG Living’s host, Robin Lewis shows us how simple installations around the yard, such as a privacy fence and even the most basic outdoor kitchen elevate every backyard. Follow Robin’s example and make it your DIY project. It is sure to have a big payoff as your new outdoor “room”.
Whatever your dreams are regarding a pool, saltwater pool, endless pool, rectangular heated pool, organically shaped pool, and backyard upgrade, all are fun on so many levels. The right pool experience can be healthy, fun, and a fitness experience all in one.
Photo by Brian Matangelo