In Smart Healthy Green Living’s show RISE, Matt Daigle shares his family’s journey to sustainable living. The birth of their daughter leads this couple to deep soul searching. They question their environment and the future they are providing their daughter.
While they spent a lot of money on the renovation of their home and the end result reflected their aesthetic style it was not aligned with their core values as a family. Follow Matt through his investigations of different sustainable living solutions. Through interviews with homeowners, architects, and builders he learns about eco-friendly building design, healthy building materials, and building processes. Matt dives deep into the Passive House, solar system project design, and sustainable living.
Sustainable Living in a Container
In SHG Living’s Containing Luxury Blake Madgett and Tyler Burke present another angle on sustainable living. Their series shares many fabulous tips on custom container living, the hot new sustainable living trend. You won’t want to miss their insights on eco-friendly building materials, how-to installations, and often hard-to-find building cost figures.
Check out the construction of the “Greenwich House” on SabinesNewHouse and learn about widely available eco-friendly building materials with the goal of creating a chemical-free home. Take a deep dive with Sabine, the Construction Coach, into non-toxic paint. Discover how you can avoid neurotoxin floor finishes and select healthy alternatives.
2 Key Categories in Eco-Friendly Building Design
COVID19 has led people to a lot of soul-searching around health and wellbeing at home. However, it’s been a well-established fact that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has noted that 90% of our time is spent indoors and indoor air is 2 – 5 times more polluted than outside air.
Start with these two essential building blocks of life: Air and water. A simple air quality test for radon gas is widely available. Why not expand your air quality testing to include other toxic chemicals. Next, rotate your filters in your air conditioning system at least every 3-6 months. This is perhaps the easiest, cheapest way to give yourself a head start into healthier air quality.
The newer your house, the more sealed it is. While energy efficiency is a good step in eco-friendly building design, proper air ventilation systems must also be in place to bring filtered fresh air into the house. Get more super valuable technical specs and insights in SHG Living’s build show SabinesNewHouse. It will likely be eye-opening!
Sustainable Living Means Good Air
Do your cabinets, rugs, furniture have this often called “new car smell”? Do you use harsh cleaning chemicals? Smelling any of these toxins means one thing: you likely have a serious issue at hand. The health of young children and the elderly’s are quickly seriously compromised by such toxins. Making upgrades should not require a lot of soul searching.
And then there is water quality. Have you ever tested your water? Creating an eco-friendly building design standard in your home must also include water quality testing. Many people believe “public water” is of good quality. It may not be as we’ve recently learned with lead and other chemical contaminants seeping into our water supplies. To begin with, utilities have to control bacteria growth as water flows through extensive pipes to your house and faucet. Bacteria growth is controlled through Chlorine. Go to any water plant and you will smell the chlorine. Get a water filtration system to filter out chlorine, metals, and more.
Check out the creators on Smart Healthy Green Living as they share their stories and soul searching that moved them to adopt cool designs in eco-friendly building design solutions. Let them inspire you to question your life choices. Then start with simple air and water tests. Invest in your home and invest in your health at the same time.