Lifestyles are continually changing. Circumstances are changing. After a time people want something different. This is all expected. However, last year’s unprecedented, worldwide COVID had an unprecedented impact on the way we live in our homes. So here are the top four smart styles in home and garden trends for 2021 from a few of the creators/doers on SHGLiving who see things close-up and spot trends early:
1. Smart Styles =Health And Well-Being
Health and wellness dominate home and garden design trends in 2021. Smart styles in home and garden include quality health upgrades to improve home air quality, water quality to provide germ-free living. Simply put, 2021 Home & Garden trends are driven by healthier living.
Matt Daigle, the host of SHG Living’s RISE, calls it “Think Refresh, Not Remodel”. He observes that COVID sharply increased the interest in good air. This includes everything from new filters, to free-standing air purifiers, to stand-alone air filtration, and built-in fresh air systems.
Ashley Renne, host of Ashley Renne agrees. She observed that the topic of indoor living heightened awareness of the general need for healthier, more sustainable living. This also extends to better energy savings from smart devices such as the Google Nest Thermostat.
CaliKim, host of CaliKim Garden & Home observes that people discovered a dual purpose in gardening. There is a new-found interest in gardening to create:
- Healthy Food: People are starting a garden for the practical aspect of growing their own safe, healthy, organic vegetables, and reduce trips to the grocery store during the pandemic.
- Mental wellness: People are discovering that gardening is a wonderful way to improve their mental wellness. Gardening is providing families a safe way to connect with each other and with nature, offers a creative outlet, a peaceful space to unwind, and a way to escape the craziness during a stressful time in the world.
Sabine H. Schoenberg, SHG Living’s host of SabinesNewHouse and author of the book “Kitchen Magic” finds that the sharply increased health focus translates directly into germ-free product choices such as non-porous, anti-bacterial Silestone’s quartz as kitchen and bath counter material. Silestone is the leader in quartz and is known for its nano-technology which trumps even granite in terms of its antibacterial properties (see also the illustration in the video on SHGLiving).
2. Sustainability – From Buzzword To Smart Style
Covid pointed out homo sapiens’ vulnerabilities like never before. It increased our awareness that we do not own nor control Mother Earth. Rather, we need to find more harmonious ways with Mother Earth. Where can we start?
Recycling and the so-called “up-cycling” of goods are smart style trends in 2021. Both Matt Daigle and Ashley Renne welcome up-cycling and vintage decor trends as a planet-friendly and money-saving way to handle existing goods.
This trend cuts down on the use of natural resources and energy consumption. It keeps goods and materials out of landfills, and it equips our homes with a newfound sense of connection to history. Anchoring into the history of the generations provides a much welcome feeling of continuity.
Brent Gentling, SHGLiving’s host of Bring your Own Tools sees a surge in search for terms like “van life”, “tiny house”, and “off-grid living”. It evidences that people want to pair down and live less consumptive, more sustainable lifestyles.
3. Smart Styles Means New Design Lay-Outs
Tiny House Expeditions Alexis Stephens and Christian Parsons report an ever-increasing focus on tiny house home offices. They observe that new, tiny houses are frequently used as home office spaces as people will continue to work largely from home in 2021.
Kelly Wilkniss, SHG Living’s host of My Soulful Home finds that our homes today, more than ever must “meet our needs and feed our souls.” The shift to work-from-home means that people are gathering at home for all work, schooling/learning spaces, fitness spaces, and all living-related tasks. This translates into a newfound desire to separate spaces once again. It represents a shift away from entirely open concept floor plans to flexible, dividable spaces.
Everyone-is-home translates into a return to space partition, spaces for different uses but in a different, multi-use way.
The hosts of Austin Flipsters also incorporate slightly more traditional features such as painting dining room ceilings a dark color, an idea dating way back to Victorian design styles.
4. Inspiration of Nature
Nature, harmony, and a sense of optimism are also expressed in the selection of color trends in 2021. Pretty pastels are coming into cabinets over stark white and black cabinets, for example.
Anything soft and “comfort” focused is a big part of 2021 Home &Garden trends, as pointed out by Kelly Wilkniss.
Steve Seim, SHGLiving’s host of Steve Does agrees with the notion of comfort. As a smart tech expert, he sees smart lighting and background music solutions as providing that sense of fundamental comfort. Steves goes further to explain that sense of security is necessary to achieve a sense of comfort. For all of these reasons, Steve is focused on convenient and cost-competitive smart tech solutions as a top 2021 Home & Garden trend.
While the creatives of SHGLiving view 2021 Home & Garden trends through their respective work and fields of expertise, they all arrive at the four fundamental smart styles. What aspect of these three 2021 Home & Garden trends have you been contemplating? What products are you interested in purchasing in 2021 for your home? Chances are one or more fall into one of these four categories.
ENJOY living your version of a HEALTHIER LIFE… this focus might just be the silver lining of COVID 19 as we look forward with optimism into 2021 and beyond.